Little House on the Prairie Wiki
"The Silent Cry"
Season 7, Episode 5
#144 overall in Series
Original air date October 20, 1980
Episode Guide
IMDb logo IMDb The Silent Cry
Written by Michael Landon
Directed by Michael Landon
Episode Chronology
Previous episode:
"Fight Team Fight!"
Next episode:
"Portrait of Love"

Houston, the cantankerous caretaker of the Blind School, gets a turn in the spotlight when two orphaned boys are threatened with separation. A small boy named Josh is mute, making him unappealing to any potential families; but his older brother Michael has plenty to offer. When a couple wants to adopt Michael but not Josh, both brothers become very upset and run away they find an ally in the grumpy old handyman.


External links[]

Previous episode: Next episode:
Fight Team Fight! Portrait of Love